Thursday 4 December 2014


All about soccer in short...
           Soccer is a game played by only two teams at any given time and each of the teams must have eleven players. It is played in a field that is rectangular in shape with two goal posts in each end of the field. Once the ball goes through any of the two goal posts a score is recorded. A player can score using any part of the body with exception of the arms. In this game, it is only the goalkeepers who are given permission to touch the ball with their hands. However, touching the ball that is intentionally played back to the goalkeeper by his own player is not permissible. Soccer is currently being governed by International Federation of Association Football (FIFA). It is the most watched game in the world and is played in not less than 200 countries worldwide. Here below is a detailed history of soccer.

Foot ball a very interesting game played in almost all the countries around the globe ...

Soccer history

Soccer was started around 2000 years ago. Its origin is traced to China although people from Rome, Greece and some sections in Central America also believe soccer originated from their countries. However, it is common knowledge that the current form of soccer was first played in England. It is in England where rules were formulated to guide in playing the game. For instance rules against touching the ball with hands. In England, schools started playing soccer and formulating there own rules. At the same time, clubs that were not connected to schools also started playing soccer but with different rules. This therefore meant that the rules being applied were not universal. In this accord, the Football Association was formed in 1893 to standardize these rules. Currently, the rules of soccer are being set by the International Football Association Board (IFAB) which was established in 1886. The world’s oldest soccer competition is the FA Cup that was started in 1872 with English clubs competing amongst each other.
In the modern day world, football is professionally played with so many teams evolving worldwide. However, soccer is also played at an amateur level in various parts of the world. The famous clubs in the world are in England, Italy, Spain and some countries in South America. Players in these clubs are paid highly. It is also observed that soccer nowadays evokes emotions from football fans who end up committing atrocities in the field when their favorite teams are defeated by opponents.

 Soccer is the most popular sport in the world.
It may not seem like it because football is most popular in North America but soccer is the most popular sport in the world. My perspective is that if there were more soccer stadiums, more federations, and more soccer associations in the United States it might be more popular than football is in North America.
Soccer is probably very popular because it is the first team sport a kid will probably play in their life because football and baseball are for kids a little older as they are more dangerous sports. Because soccer is as popular as it is all other brands are trying to get in on the sales of shin-guards, cleats, socks, and soccer balls. Adidas was originally the first major brand for soccer, now Nike is trying to get a piece of the sales, and also Underarmour is starting to make its way into soccer merchandise.
Soccer is a very easily understood and exciting sport. A soccer game can change in a matter of 30 seconds. When in a football game it can take some time. Soccer is an easily likable sport and it is easily understood. Soccer is more exciting than any other sport as there are no boundaries on what you could do. The only boundary is fouling and that you can’t use your hands.
Soccer is an attention-grabbing sport and it can be easily played. All you need are shoes and a soccer ball. Other sports you would need a hoop or a field and soccer is more easily played. There are hundreds of soccer stadiums in Europe and other nations of the world.
This year 204 countries tried to get into the world cup and that is just countries. It is just amazing to think of how many people play the sport of soccer in each of these countries and how many people watch and enjoy soccer in all of these countries. There also many associations inside each country like the United States has the Major League Soccer.
I believe soccer is the most popular sport or else they wouldn’t have their own championship of the whole world. It just goes to show you that soccer is getting more and more popular. In 1930, 434,500 people attended the World Cup and in 1994 there were over 3.5 million people who attended that World Cup.
All in all, soccer is the most popular sport in the world. It has more associations than there are of football teams combined. Soccer is greatly increasing in the number of people who play and watch the sport. I personally think soccer is better than football, baseball, basketball, and volleyball. It is just more exciting and easily understandable. In the end, soccer will be around for a long time and it will be hard for any sport to be more popular worldwide. 

 The world cup is soccer’s most prestigious honor. If you win your team will be talked about for the next four years, until the next world cup was held. The world cup is the best of the best from 204 countries playing against each other in the best sport in the world. The world cup is the most exciting tournament to watch and cheer for.
The First World Cup
In 1930, the first world cup was held in Uruguay, but at the time the trophy was known as the Jules Rimet Cup. There were no qualifying matches due to the fact there were only thirteen teams. It was organized into two rounds. The first round consisting of group games and the second round consisting of the play-offs. The hosting team, Uruguay, ending up winning the first World Cup. The total attendance of all the games was 434,500.
The World Cup Trophies
“The trophy was named in Jules Rimet’s honor because he was the president of the French football federation and FIFA at the time of the first World Cup.

One of the all time best players was pele, Athletic Genius, Soccer Legend, Master of Offense, Pelé. All are names for Edson Arantes do Nascimento, undoubtedly one of the greatest soccer players of all time.  Pelé accomplished throughout his life and career, and also about what he did that effected the world so much.
Pelé was born on October 23rd, 1940, in the Brazilian town of Tres Coracoes, which means Three Hearts. Pelé was the first child to Dondinho and Celeste. Dondinho, his father, was a professional soccer player, and started Pelé in the sport.

Pelé started playing soccer with his friends in the street, using a sock filled with rags as a soccer ball. They’d use the sidewalks as sidelines, and buckets or barrels as goalposts. “I became pretty good at being able to dribble the sock around and even learned how to hit it with my head,” Pelé says. He would sometimes cut school with his friends just to play soccer in open fields.

 Soccer to many people is a game of intensity where winning is everything. Somepeople have what it takes and others don't. To me soccer is intense, but winningis not everything. Enjoying the game and playing the way that makes you feel goodis truly soccer. Confidence is a key element in the game. You can't play yourbest if you have low self-esteem. This is one thing I have unfortunatelyencountered.

Last year my coach felt lowering each player's self-esteemwould make us winners. Instead it left a bunch of girls who once loved the game,struggling to finish the season.

Without self-confidence, our team wasnothing. Our coach was only satisfied with winning. I had one of the worst yearsof all the time I had played soccer. It was definitely a low-point in my soccercareer. It not only influenced my soccer life, it also played a big role in mysocial and home life. I always felt like nothing I did was good enough. Theparents of our team couldn't wait until the season was over. My coach ended theseason with another critique of what we had done wrong. As I walked off thatsoccer field with my shoulders down, I had to face a tough decision. Do Icontinue with soccer and take the chance of another degrading year? Or, do I giveup something that once meant the world to me?

When tryouts came around, I hesitantly approached the fields. I went through three tryouts hoping I would make a different team. The call from the coach came, congratulating me on making the team. He started by expressing his excitement for the upcoming year. Afterthat phone call I somehow knew this year would be different. As this year comes to an end, I have more confidence and skill than ever. I play the game intenselyand enjoy every minute of it. My coach lets us make important decisions on thefield and does not yell or put us down if we are wrong. He simply tells us calmlyhow we can improve next time. We all come off the fields with our heads held highand smiles on our faces. We may not win every game, but we try our hardest andenjoy ourselves. The parents and players laugh and have fun, as everyone shouldwhen playing soccer.

I hope next year that I am as fortunate to be a partof a team with not only a great coach, but a great group of friends. We have allbecome the best of pals through our teamwork and effort. Everyone deserves tofeel good about what they've achieved under any circumstances.

Heres a video footage of the best goals click  best goals


The mind-body connection is a very powerful one. For everything you think in your mind, your body has a reaction, regardless of whether it is real or imagined. For example, have you ever had a bad dream? Usually, you will wake up and your heart is racing, you are sweating and very agitated, even though all you were doing was sleeping. But, in your mind there was something bad going on and your body was reacting to it. Here?s another example: if you are home alone and you hear a noise and interpret it as the wind, you are fine; but if you interpret it as a prowler, your fight or flight response takes over and you become fearful. Your heart begins going a mile a minute, your eyes dilate, and you are scared. These are just a few examples of how strong the connection is between your mind and your body. With this premise, it becomes unmistakable how necessary it is to train both the mind and body for 'peak performance'.

It was neat to see that, at the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, there were approximately 20 Sport Psychology Consultants there working with athletes. It has also been noted that 1/3 of the golfers on the major tours work with a Sports Psychologist or Consultant. Slowly but surely athletes, teams, coaches and managers are not only saying that they feel sports is mental, but also they are doing something about it. They are hiring Sports Psychologists, reading books, and devoting time to team building and mental training. 

Football changed dramatically in the 1920's. Players such as Red Grange, Jim Thorpe, and Notre Dame's Four Horsemen changed the game forever. With their unique style of play, they escalated football to new heights and more competetive levels. Each had their own style of play, which made other teams try harder to get better and beat the other teams. Other things, such as the forward pass, also changed the game of football in the 1920's. However, it was the players and their talent that forever changed American football.
This is a photograph of Jim Thorpe during his playing days in the old football league.

Jim Thorpe was one of the first to change the game. He was an American Indian who was tremendously talented at football. He became the president of the league after he was done playing on a team. He named the league the NFL, which stands for National Football League. This name still stands today for the name of the league where the pros play.

Red Grange also brought play to a higher level. In one game against Michigan in 1924, he scored five times. The most notable feat accomplished by Grange is that on his first four carries, he scored all four times! This is something no other player has accomplished in American football. He drew thousands of people to the games he played in and gave football a new popularity that it had never gotten before. He also emphasized the importance of other positions besides the running back, such as a defensive lineman to stop a running back.

Next came the Four Horsemen from Notre Dame. Historians argue that they may have been the best backfield in the history of football. Like Red Grange, they also brought in massive crowds of people, making football more popular. The Four Horsemen weren't big, but they all had speed, agility, and strength. They led Notre Dame to an undefeated season and won the college championship with ease. After they got out of college football, all of them went on to successful coaching jobs improving other teams and making better players. You can see the Four Horsemen below.
Last of all, the foward pass changed football forever. Before it became popular, most teams thought passing was useless. But after a while, passing started becoming the major emphasis in football. No longer did teams have to run the ball all the time, but now they could also pass. This brought higher scores to the game and brought out the positions of wide reciever and cornerback.

All in all, the 1920's were a starting foundation for football. The NFL got its name which still stands today. The 20's also brought in new styles of plays, including the pass. The 1920's also started to recognize football as a major sport, drawing in large crowds that previously only baseball had done. Lastly, the unique play of people such as Red Grange, Jim Thorpe, and the Four Horsemen escalated the game to more challenging times

Here s the field layout image 

Football or Soccer Many people argue about soccer and football. Football is mainly an American sport, but it is growing rapidly around the world. Soccer in the other hand is played worldwide; in many people eyes soccer is graceful and well disciplined. There are many similarities of these two sports. In some parts of the world soccer is talked about as football. Many countries call soccer many different things. Another similarity about American football and soccer is that they are one of the most popular sports; Millions of people watch both of these sports all year around. There are many differences though, one difference is that football use an oval ball, and soccer uses a sphere ball. Another difference is that football players wear shoulder pads; the only pads soccer players wear are shin pads. Football has many positions. The offensive players are the quarterback and running back. Quarterback is the most important position he distributes the ball either to the running backs or the wide receivers. The running back has many jobs; sometimes he is used as a diversion. But the running back usually runs the ball or catches a pass. When football is in defensive mode the two main positions are defensive backs and defensive line. Defensive backs are used to guard the wide receivers they try to intercept the ball, while the defensive line tries to tackle the quarterback or the running backs. In soccer there are many different positions. To make a soccer team play well they must work as one unit. On the offensive side there are strikers and midfielders. Strikers are closest to the opponents goal, they are usually they are who scores the most goals. Midfielders are used to control the center of the field and distribute the ball to the strikers. On the defense half there are sweepers and goalkeepers. Sweepers are the last line of defense; goalkeepers depend on their sweepers.

Soccer played in most of the countries needs to be promoted in developing countries as well the passion for foot ball has made a super player ever...


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