Friday 12 December 2014

Developing bpo culture !

BPO Business process outsourcing the latest arena for youngsters to earn good income with less strain ...
 BPO means Business Process Outsourcing that involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions or processes to a third-party service provider. Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the act of giving a third-party the responsibility of running what would otherwise be an internal system or service. BPO provides the link between clients and the customers. 

 The BPO industry is a developing sector. BPO means delegating the ownership, administration, and operation of a process to a third party. Business Process outsourcing (BPO) is the delegation of an intensive business process to an outside service provider who owns administers and manages it according to a defined set of metrics. The term “Outsourcing” means delegating or passing on responsibility to a third party in pursuance with an agreement. 

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is one of the fastest growing segments of the Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) industry. BPO is the process of hiring another company to handle business activities for the third party. With the advent of globalisation, more and more jobs are being outsourced.
Business Process outsources can be defined as the transfer of an organisations non-core but critical business functions to an external vendor who uses an information technology (IT) based service delivery.
Outsourcing has been taking place for many years, but has gained momentum since 1990′s due to the rise of Internet and communication technologies. BPO saves precious management time and resources and allows focus building upon core competencies. ITES stands for IT-enabled services. IT-enabled outsourcing can be defined as, 

a. Those outsourcing services that use information technology in the processing and delivery of the service.
b. Services are typically delivered through a telecommunications or data network, or other electronic media
Companies essentially have three kinds of processes: core processes (which give strategic advantage), critical, non-core processes (which are important but are not competitive differentiators), and non- core, non-critical processes (which are needed to make the environment work). 
For example:
Call centre is voice based BPOs. They look into the matter of customer queries and complaints.
The difference between the two terms BPO and KPO are:
BPO provides business services to the companies while KPO provides knowledge services for other companies.
BPO undertakes:
a) Setting up of a bank account.
b) Department outsourcing.
c) Customer Support Services.
d) Technical Support Services.
e) Telemarketing Services.
f) Insurance Processing.
g) Data Entry Services / Data processing services.
h) Data Conversion Services.


Bpo's are of two type domestic and international these categories are again sub categorised in to voice and non voice processes

Domestic bpo's basically deal with indian processes and dont give much preference to english and ask for a local language preference 
International bpo s deal with foriegn firms and companies processes and ask for real good command over english ...

Apart from bpo s there are ...

Kpo- knowledge process outsourcing 

Rpo- Recruitment  process outsourcing

Lpo- legal process outsourcing.

                                                     These processes are taken by a third party vendor on behalf of a company domestic or international so called MNC- Multi national company however outsourcing decreases the expenditure on man power and many other factors this in order increases the revenue of the firm...for company in the united states or the united kingdom needs to pay an average of 1000 dollars/Euros per month on an employee who is in to the entry level but when the same process is outsourced to a vendee in india the cost would be less than half the price which is about 500 dollars/Euros a month this in return increases the companies reputation in other countries as well as gets good amount of revenue generated out state  some such examples are ..

1.Serco-   Under takes googles processes  and many more...

2.Deloitte-  Undertakes    business processes across the Banking, Energy & Resources (Mining, Oil & Gas and Power & Utilities), Healthcare & Life Sciences, Insurance, Public sector, and Telecoms, Media & Technology industries. Our service offering spans throughout the African continent; primarily in South, East, 
Central and West Africa. 

3.24/7- Under takes the process of dish network in various countries

4.IBM- Helps clients of different countries in Customer Care, Finance and Administration, Human Resources and Procurement and Supply Chain Management are rich with opportunities for your enterprise not only to save money but to grow, grab market share and drive customer loyalty.
5. TCS- Tata consultancy services also is in to Health care , insurance and various processes

                                                   Out sourcing has been playing a major role in engaging customers of different countries on an united platform...                    

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the contracting of a specific business task, such as payroll, to a third-party service provider. Usually, BPO is implemented as a cost-saving measure for tasks that a company requires but does not depend upon to maintain their position in the marketplace. BPO is often divided into two categories: back office outsourcing which includes internal business functions such as billing or purchasing, and front office outsourcing which includes customer-related services such as marketing or tech support.


All the best if you are looking for a new job Check out  the tips about interviews in this blog it will definitely be helpful for freshers or people seeking a job take good care 
                                                        V.Mohan krishna

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