Thursday 18 December 2014

About dreams !

Nobody knows exactly the true purpose of dreaming. It’s possible that our dreams are used for humans to consolidate its memories for things that happened the day before. Once in the dream state, it’s also possible that our brain pulls information that we need and disregards the stuff that we don’t. Many researchers feel that our dreams are like a noise in the background that is thought out and organized. This would mean that our dreams are simply the brain’s way of making sense of unexpected transmissions happening during our sleep. Depending on the person, some will have the ability to control their dreams better than others. These are the people that can make situations in their dream by thinking of an event just before they pass out on the pillow. It is a proven fact that humans need sleep to function properly the next day. If you so happen to be sleep-deprived, you will be more prone to suffer from hallucinations or a physical breakdown. As far as why we dream, the debate is still on the table. It’s really up to the dreamer to make a judgement call. For the most part we have the people who believe in dreams and the ones who don’t. It’s a hard debate to convince somebody when we don’t have actual proof. Many people still think that we just dream so our brain filters out the junk we don’t need; where the rest think that it’s something magical.  If you allow your mind to open up and try to embrace your dreaming capability, your powers are endless.

Quick Ways to Remember Your Dreams:
Remembering your dreams is the first step. The second step is trying to remember and record your dreams. To fully gain insight to your dreams, you must remember that dream interpretation is similar to riding a bike for the first time, or learning a new language. Starting this new exploration into to the mind requires little work, because here at Dream Dictionary, we’ve put together 5000 words and symbols for the dreamers needs. If you are the person who forgets your dreams when you wake up, then you have to follow a couple of steps to get started.  The first step is to make sure you don’t rush out of bed when you get up from your sleep.  The very moment you wake up you must take your time and think what events happened in your dream.  You must put down every single detail even if you don’t find it relevant.  The second step is to have a dream journal by your bed and write down what symbols  you remember. The third step is recall your dreams in a  backward sequence. Basically, start from the last event or feeling that you remember, and then go as far back as you can possibly remember. You must keep the last thought sort of like taking a picture. Also, this takes time and practice, and can be quite frustrating at times. Once you become good, you will be able to strengthen your dream memory, and later on, it will become as easy as breathing.

How To Remember Dreams

Why Remember Our Dreams?
So what is the big deal to remember and record your dreams?  The same reason why there is no substantial reasoning behind them.  If you take either a scientist , doctor or philosopher they will give you all different answers on the reason behind our dreams.  What we do know is that it cant be fully explained and  nobody knows the right answer.  Though what we do know is that digging deep into your unconscious mind by using our dreams has proved to have more benefits than we thought.  Inside our dreams are symbols that are meant to help, guide and warn us in life or the future.  We also know that our unconscious uses metaphors in our dreams.  When we wake up from a dream we are usually left confused.  Our unconscious is not going to tell us the answer that easily because its up to us to decode it and find the meaning.  Learning how to truly become a dream expert we suggest that you learn the basic first.
Remembering your dreams is a very easy task that requires very little skill and a bit of practice.  If you are the type of person that forgets everything detail before you wake up, well there is hope!  Before we tell you how to remember you dreams you must keep in mind you need at least 8 hours a good quality sleep a day.  Anything less than 8 hours its harder to remember because you interfere with your REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.  If you can only get 5 to 7  hours a day you still can remember your dreams, it may be a bit harder due to the fact their is more activity towards the end of your full sleep.
Below we have provided you with tip for you to remember you dreams.  Learning how to dream recall is like working out a muscle in your brain.  The more you work at it the more it expands!  Getting started is just the tip of the iceberg.  You will have access to a world that you never really knew existed inside of you.
Steps For Dream Recall:
Step 1 – Keep a dream journal:
Recording your dream should be on a notepad (journal) or on your computer.  This could be anything where you can store and record all of your dreams.  Why have a dream journal?  Having a dream journal is vital for dream recall because the more information you remember the stronger your memory gets.  Many people who write down there dreams tend to pick up on future events. This ability is called precognition.  Many people don’t know that they have this ability until they record there dreams.  The more you record in your journal the stronger your dream vocabulary will build.
Step 2 – Pen and Paper:
Now a days people are becoming more familiar with computers, so having an tangible journal is up to your discretion.  Writing down your dream the moment you wake up is vital.  As we stated above we loose close to 90% of the events the first minute we wake up.  This is why you want to have a pen and paper right by your bed and write down as much detail as possible.
Step 3 – What To Write:
So what do you write? Basically everything that you can possibly remember!  Don’t even shy away from the small details.  Write them down.  You want to describe every scene in detail as if where a crime scene.  You want to express what was the mood and how you where feeling.  The people, colours and objects in your dreams  are very important to write down because it paints a picture for you, and makes it easier for you to figure out.  The symbols in your dream should be engraved in your brain the first second you wake up.  You don’t want to forget anything.
Step 4 – More Sleep, More Dreams:
The reason why some people don’t remember their dreams is mainly due to them not getting a full nights rest. If you have a busy schedule or not sleeping properly due to external or internal factors this will cause a rift.  You need to get your full 7 to 8 hour sleep to prefect your dream recall  capability.  The reason why this is  important is due to the fact that our dreams come in cycles and if interrupted you will forget most of it.  It’s best to wake up just after your REM sleep where there is most activity.
Step 5 – Stop Your Sleep:
Another great way to remember you dreams is waking up in the middle of the night and writing them down.  I know this might seem a bit annoying but you would have no problem getting back to bed.  If you set your alarm clock to different intervals during the night you will remember dreams easier and have more to put in your dream journal.  Many people who have practiced dream recall can wake up automatically in the middle of the night and remember key symbols in that dream and not forget it when they wake up for the day.
Step 6 – Rewind Your Dream:
The moment we wake up from a dream it leaves us with the last event like a snapshot of a picture.  In order to remember what happened you have to reverse your dream  like rewinding a movie.  Having a dream is like watching a movie and then waking up at the end.  Most of the time we just remember the ending.  The very first second you wake up you have to pull as much from the dream as much as possible.  All you should remember before you wake up is the dream you just had.
Step 7 –  Slow Down, Relax:
Everybody would love to relax in their bed all day!  We recommend  that you take 2 min before you wake up gather your dream thoughts and prepare to write them down.  The moment you start thinking about this or that day is the moment your dream will disappear into thin air.  Forget about thinking of your work schedule or what to wear, focus entirely on your dream.
If you have many thoughts upon awakening you should try meditating before you go to bed.  The moment you think about something other than your dream the faster your dream leaves you.  We recommend that you Meditate around 5 to 10 min before bed.  This would unable you to open up your mind and clear the smoke.
Quick Tips on Remembering  Your Dreams:
  1. Keep a dream journal (see below)
  2. Have a pen, paper or recorder ready when you wake up
  3. Write down as much information as possible about the dream (ex. friends, work, car etc.)
  4. Wake up 1 hour early or during REM sleep
  5. More sleep more dreams
  6. Rewind your dreams
  7. Don’t rush out of bed, take time to relax and record what happened
  8. Before you go to bed say “I will remember my dreams”
Benefits For Dream Recall:
Remembering your dreams is entirely up to the person.  If you find interest in exploring your mind than dream recall is the place to start.  Sometimes a dream is just a dream, but when you get a dream that you know it has significance you would want answers.  Learning what your dream means and the symbols behind it will open doors for you that you never knew existed.  If you are looking for answers or a deeper meaning in life, then starting with your dreams is the first step.  In today’s world psychologist use patients dreams to get to the root of the problem.  Not every dreams has a sexual desire that we want to ack out on.  Don’t be discouraged but confident.  Once you become more comfortable with dream interpretation you will a new side to life!  Your dreams are not only fun but free!  Take advantage of this beautiful gift. Dream out loud!
  1. Its fun, free and easy to do
  2. Becoming more in tuned with your unconscious mind.
  3. You might have the ability to predict the future events
  4. Learn to lucid dream
  5. You will have a new hobby
  6. Stopping recurring dreams from happening.
                                                                                                                 Keep reading Regards 
                                                                                                                            v.mohan krishna

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