Friday 12 December 2014


Hockey being Indian national game is played very less across the country , hockey is a very interesting game
Hockey is our national game. It is played throughout the country. It is not a costly game so even the poor students can play hockey. A hockey stick and a ball is all that one needs to play hockey. Our country has been the world champion in this game for a number of years. Even now India is one of the world’s strongest hockey teams. The world admires our country for its excellence in this game.

Hockey is a game which is full of action and suspense. The players continue running with the ball and try to pass it on to one or the other player of their team so as to score a goal. Each team has eleven players including the goal­keeper. This game is played so fast that all the players keep on running all the time. This game calls for a high standard of physical fitness, mental alertness and team spirit. By constant practice, players can achieve a high degree of mobility and maneuverability and become experts in this game. India has produced first-class hockey players. Dhyan Chand was known as the hockey wizard. He achieved worldwide fame. Some sports critics feel that the standard of Indian hockey is on the wane.
As early as in 1928, India had become the world champion in hockey by winning the gold medal in the Amsterdam Olympic Games. India lost the gold medal in hockey for the first time in the Rome Olympics. It was still one of the first three teams in hockey. The Indian Hockey team was so badly mauled in the Montreal Olympics that it was relegated to the seventh position. Indian hockey was able to regain its lost position by winning a gold medal at the 1980 Moscow Olympics. We have not won a single medal since 1980 at the Olympics. We have not had medals in World Cup either. However, we won the Asian Cup at Kuala Lumpur in 2003.





Goaltender:: The goalie's primary task is simple - keep the puck out of his own net. Offensively, he might start his team down the ice with a pass, but seldom does he leave the net.

Defense men: These players try to stop the incoming play at their own blue line. They try to break up passes, block shots, cover opposing forwards (center and wings) and clear the puck from in front of their own goal. Offensively, they get the puck to their forwards and follow the play into the attacking zone, positioning themselves just inside their opponent's blue line at the "points."

Center: The quarterback on the ice, the center leads the attack by carrying the puck on offense. He exchanges passes with his wings to steer the play toward the opposing goal. On defense, he tries to disrupt a play before it gets on his team's side of the ice.

Wings: The wings team with the center on the attack to set up shots on goal. Defensively, they attempt to break up plays by their counterparts and upset shot attempts.


Referee: The referee supervises the game, calls the penalties, determines if goals are scored and handles faceoffs at center ice at the start of each period.

Linesmen: Two are used. They call offside, offside pass, icing and handle all faceoffs not occurring at center ice. They do not call penalties, but can recommend to the referee that a penalty be called.

Goal Judges: One sits off-ice behind each goal and indicates when the puck has crossed the red goal line by turning on a red light just above his station. The referee can ask his advise on disputed goals, but the referee has final authority and can overrule the goal judge.

Official Scorer: He determines which player scores and credits assists if there are any. He might consult the referee, but the scorer is the final authority in crediting points.


Offsides: When any member of the attacking team precedes the puck over the defending team's blue line.

Offside (or two-line)Pass: When a player passes the puck from his defending zone to a teammate beyond the red center line.

Icing: When a player shoots the puck across the center red line and past the opposing red goal line. Icing is not called if the player's team is killing a penalty, a teammate of the player shooting the puck touches it before a player from the opposing team, the defending goalie touches the puck first or if the puck travels through the crease (semicircle of blue paint at the "mouth" of the goal) on its way to the red line.


A team plays shorthanded when one or more of its players is charged with a penalty. However, no team is forced to play more than two players below full strength (six) at any tiime. If a third penalty is assessed to the same team, it is suspended until the first penalty expires. When a penalty is called on a goalie, a teammate serves his time in the penalty box.

Minor Penalty: Two minutes - Called for boarding, charging, cross-checking, elbowing, holding, hooking, high-sticking, interference, roughing, slashing, spearing, tripping and unsportsmanlike conduct.

Major Penalty: Five minutes - Called for fighting or when minor penalties are committed with deliberate intent to injure. Major penalties for slashing, spearing, high-sticking, butt-ending and cross-checking carry automatic game misconducts.

Misconduct: Ten minutes - Called for various forms of unsportsmanlike behavior or when a player incurs a second major penalty in a game. This is a penalty against an individual and not a team, so a substitute is permitted.

Penalty Shot: A free shot, unopposed except for the goalie, given to a player who is illegally impeded from behind when in possession of the puck with no opponent between him and the goal except the goalie. The team which commits the offense is not penalized beyond the penalty shot, whether it succeeds or not.

Delayed Penalty: The whistle is delayed until the penalized team regains possession of the puck.

Rules of
Based on
a recommendation
from the FIH Rules Committee, the FIH Executive Board has agreed
to the Rules of
Mandatory Experimental Own Goal Rule
Rule 8 Method of Scoring
currently states that:
8.1 A goal is scored when:
the ball is played by an attacker,
or touches the stick or body of a defender, within the
after either of these actions, the ball does not travel outside the circle before passing
completely over the goal
line and under the cross
With effect
rom 1 February 2014, this will
no longer
mandatory and will
become an Experimental
Rule only.
With effect from 1 September 2014, the Experimental Own Goal Rule will be deleted
and replaced by
an amended
Rule 8 Method of Scoring which will state that:
8.1 A goal is scored when t
he ball is played within the circle by
an attacker and does not travel
outside the circle before
passing completely over the goal
line and under the crossbar.
The ball may be played by a defender or touch
their body before or after being played in
the cir
by an attacker.
It also follows that, as of 1 September 2014, the guidance to Rule 9.7
Defenders are also
permitted to use the stick
to stop or defl
ect the ball at any height if it is otherwise likely to enter the
goal as a result of Mandatory Experimental Rule 8
will also be deleted
The above
for the Rule
provides a significant period of
and Continental Federations;
specifically:The Own Goal will not apply to International Hockey with effect from 1 February 2014.
This means that all
International Tournaments
with effect
from 1 February 2014
through to
the World Cup (and beyond) may be played without the Own Goal i.e.
international teams
be able to practice with the Rules that will be in force in the World Cups (and beyond)
National Associations
who wish to do so
, may continue with
Own Goal
in order to
complete their current Leagues and Competitions
using this Rule National Associations who wish to do so may play without the Own Goal
with effect
1 February 2014
2Continental Federations, whose current competitions are in progress and being
with the Own Goal and who wish to do so, may continue and complete them using the
same Rules
The Experimental Own Goal Rule will end on 31 August
                                                                                                           This is an notice given by the hockey federation regarding the new rules play hockey Promote hockey enjoy hockey advertise hockey  its our national game indeed ...


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