Thursday 11 December 2014

Public views on Social networking...

Human beings by and large are social. They feel an inherent need to connect and expand their connections. There is a deep rooted need among humans to share.
In the past, due to geographical distances and economic concerns, connections between people were limited. A social network is made up of individuals that are connected to one another by a particular type of interdependency. It could be ideas, values, trade, anything.
Social networks operate on many levels. Initially social networking happened at family functions where all relative and friends would conglomerate under one roof.
Social networking has always been prevalent; it is just that in these times the face of social networking has changed. Where earlier the process was long drawn, involving a chain movement where in one person led to another through a web of social contacts, today the process is highly specialized.
Communication has been instrumental to a large extent to the growth of social networking. With the advent of Internet and the cell phone a lot of social interaction is captured through email and instant messaging.
Today there are a lot of online social networking sites where individuals volunteer information about themselves and their social networks. Social networking allows for like- minded people to interact with another.
An online social networking site is a place where a user can create a profile and build a personal network that connects the user to other users. What used to be just a niche activity has today taken the proportions of a global phenomenon that engages tens of millions of Internet users.
Online social networks are ideal for exchanging ideas, views, and garnering public opinion; although, these are restricted to the users of the social network. Popular social networking sites, like Orkut, MySpace and Face book are changing the Internet scene. Another social networking programme is that used by a company called Amway.
The company operates on the system of multi level marketing. Members make new members and get monetary benefits on the purchases made by down the line members. Members sell the company’s products through social networking.
And the members of the company itself constitute a large network, which members use for other businesses as well. The Amway model has been so effective that it has been copied by several other businesses.
Social networking sites have recorded phenomenal growth rates. These networks allow individuals to leverage the connections they establish within the social network to achieve a broader objective like job search, a real estate search, a holiday trip plan, etc.
A social network allows independent artists, music labels and video content owners to upload share and sell their content to a community of users with interests in the particular media. Users in turn benefit by being able to sample, hear, download and share songs with friends and other members.
Social network groups like Orkut help people get in touch with people they have lost touch with. They also help people to stay in touch despite their geographical distances. Social networking is important as far as an individual’s personal and professional development is concerned.
The social network sites have emerged as a powerful and effective means for people to not only link and get linked but to use these services as effectively as possible. The growing popularity of these networking sites only proves the simple truth – Social networking has arrived!

Here are a few public views on social networking...  

Social networking sites increase social interaction and connections.

Social networking sites have a beneficial effect on our way of life. They increase our social interaction and give us more ways to make social connections. As long as the individual remembers and accepts that a decrease in privacy comes with that increased social interaction, then it is a benefit. It stops being a benefit when people forget about the decrease in privacy and do things through social networking sites that they may not want everyone to see.

“Social groups are fundamental building blocks of human societies.”

“Social groups are fundamental building blocks of human societies.”
While our social interactions have historically been constrained geographically, the Internet has quickly turned communication into a global phenomenon. Social media has greatly impacted diverse industries throughout the world and will continue to dominate in the social aspect of conducting business. Using social media in developing friendships and professional alliances, seeking employment and enhancing business to business marketing, financial services professionals will nurture long-term relationships with clients by gathering and sharing first-hand information and experiences quickly and efficiently. As online social networking becomes a more prevalent and habitually used method of business communication, professionals will be able to foster close relationships while remaining compliant with SEC and FINRA regulations

.With the advent of technologies like internet, broadband and live streaming, has made tremendous strides influencing the lives of every single individual. Recent ones such as the launch of 3G services in our country has revolutionised the way people connect with one another. It is a much smarter and faster means to communicate among professionals from varied dialects. It has led to an era of modernisation among masses!. Connectivity offers a wide range of possibilities. With the help of these social networks, one can share views, ideas, debate and arrive at conclusions. To sum up i would like to say that life would be beyond imagination without these social networks!


Social media develops relationships

Social media brings together people of common interests. For example on Facebook, people can join groups which interest them, allowing them to meet like-minded friends. This can kick-start more in-depth discussion of common topics, sharing of personal experiences and exchanging of ideas, which deepen newfound friendships.

Social media provides opportunities for the rapid expansion of an individual’s social circle to include international people. Social media therefore makes it possible to develop a high volume of relationships easily.

Social media increases speed and accessibility of communication. Through social media, you can communicate with others anywhere and at any time as long as there is a electronic device. It is a lot faster than communicating via snail mail and helps in communicating with real-life friends or friends from other countries because they can receive the letter or message in a fraction of a second instead of days.

Who can live with out social networking?

I know that I sure as heck can't! Social networking is like the best thing ever, but then again i'm a VERY SOCIAL PERSON! I know for a fact that social networking helps me communicate with my friends and family. Not to mention meet new people from all over the world! Not only does it let communicate with your friends and family, and meet new people; Social networking also helps you notify your friends about what your up to that day, or what's going on in your life

 Cons as well...

  Social networking sites may be beneficial due to high sophistication of technology, but was it really worth it? Users may have gained huge advantage, but did you know that there are many witnesses have been victimized? Did you also noticed that social networking sites can leave our identities and our locations exposed? This indicate that sooner or later we may become vulnerable to unknown threats. We didn't ask for this, but still they gave chances for the dirt-bags behind the scenes.

Although social networking sties are a great way to connect to the world, they are not beneficial to our way of life, because all they do is take away time that people could be doing constructive things.

Facebook is a global phenomenon and, for some reason, there are people who feel the need to update their status with details of their every waking moment. For starters, a few years ago, "pre-Facebook", there was no catastrophe if someone you went to high school with didn't know that you got a haircut on a particular day and, additionally, taking time to write "I got a haircut" several times a day could be spent doing chores, or homework, or some other productive thing.


I do not think social networking sites are generally beneficial to our way of life because it encourages too much superficial sense of self worth.

Social networking sites are not generally beneficial to us because they create an instant gratification society whose self worth is far too involved with the exterior world. No longer are people able to come home from school or work and make the crucial switch from public to private life. This degrades a person's sense of identity, at times to the point where it causes serious mental health concerns. It also vacuums up time from other outlets, priorities, and activities like face-to-face contact with family, or doing work at one's job because people basically just stay on these sites all day.

Social networking sites are nothing more than tools for narcissists.

Social networking sites are increasing in popularity but are really destroying natural and healthy interpersonal relationships and foster ignorance of the human condition. Take this example, recently two girls fell into a sewer and though they had their cells phones with them, didn't have the common sense to call for help, instead they just updated their Facebook pages until someone figured out they were in trouble and called help for them.

 Social networking is only giving away for cyber bullying to become worse. Kids get bullied at school and then they go home and get on social networking just to be called names and be put down on there, Social networking is just giving bullies a way to get to you at home too. With the advances in our networking they pay less attention to people getting put down on their site because their to worried about the bigger and better people. Social media is ruining our society, kids are spending more time online and less time doing productive things like home work and playing a sport, or helping out around the house because their to worried about how many likes they get on a picture or if someone pokes them on Facebook.
I use social media but i don't over use it, kids and teens spend to much time online, and not enough time studying for a test or playing a sport, or just playing outside. Social media is going to take over this generation, and there's really nothing we can do about it besides sit back and watch.

Social networking could be really useful and at the same time become a tool for criminals however the cyber crime wing is doing their best to avoid cyber bullying and other cyber crimes ...enjoy social networking with a caution of security 

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