Thursday 22 January 2015

The history of the aeroplane !

In 1783, two frenchmen - a doctor named jean Pilatre de Rozier and a noble man ,the marquis d'Arlandes made  the first free flight in an artificially created device. They floated for more than 8 kilometres over paris in a large linen and paper balloon .In 1843 ,William henson, a british inventor ,patented plans for the first plane with an engine ,propellers,and a fixed wing . But after building one unsuccessful model,he gave up the project. In1848 ,his friend john string fellow built a small model plane using henson's design .The model was successfully launched but could stay in the air only a short time. In 1890 ,Clement ader, a french engineer,took off in a  steam powered plane that he had built, but he could not contol the plane and keep it in air .About the same time ,the inventor hiram maxim -an american  who had become a british citizen -built a huge steam powered flying machine .It had two wings ,two engines ,and two propellers.Maxim tested the plane in 1894 .It lifted off the  ground briefly but did not actually fly.
                                                           During the 1890's,Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright became d in flying while operating their bicycle-manufacturing shop in Dayton,Ohio,U.S.A.They started building gliders in 1899.The next year,they began making glider flights near experiments,the brothers worked out a system for controlling an aircraft in flight.
                                                           In 1983,the Wright brothers built their first aeroplane,named the Flyer.It was a biplane (two-wing plane) with a 9 Kilowatt (12-horsepower) petrol engine that the brothers also built. On Dec.17,1903,Orville Wright became the first person to successfully fly an engine-driven,heavier-than-air machine.The flight took place near Kitty Hawk.The brothers launched the plane from an 18-metre rail on a sand flat. The plane took off and flew 37 metres at about 48kph.
The flight lasted only about 12 seconds.The Wright brothers made three more flights that day. Wilbur made the longest one --260 metres in 59 seconds.
Expect for a few inventors,most people took little notice of the Wright brothers' achievement. But the men continued to improve their planes.  

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