Sunday 30 November 2014

About India truly incredible !

                                                       Proud to be an Indian !

 India got its independence on August 15th, 1947. It was the day when the Indians got liberated from the rule of the British.
 India is a country in South Asia. It is the Seventh-Largest country by area and second-largest by population and most populous democracy in the world.

India is a country  with 28 different states and 29 languages here is a map of our country...

Map of India

 Lets have a  look at the various cultures of India

 A few interesting points every indian needs to know:
  • India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history.
  • India invented the number system. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
  • When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization)
  • There are 300,000 active mosques in India , more than in any other country, including the Muslim world
  • Sanskrit is the mother of all the European Languages . Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software - a report in Forbes magazine July 1987.
  • Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India.
  • India has the second largest pool of Scientist and Engineers in the World.
  • India is the largest English speaking nation in the world.
  • India is the only country other than US and Japan, to have built a super computer indigenously.
  • India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world
  • One of the largest employer in the world is the Indian Railways , employing over a million people
  • India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus, attracted by India's wealth, had come looking for a sea route to India when he discovered America by mistake.
  • The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It was built by the Indian Army in August 1982
  • The Vishnu Temple in the city of Tirupathi built in the 10th century, is the world's largest religious pilgrimage destination. Larger than either Rome or Mecca, an average of 30,000 visitors donate $6 million (US) to the temple everyday.
  • Varanasi, also known as Benaras, was called "the Ancient City" when Lord Buddha visited it in 500 B.C., and is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.
  • Martial Arts were first created in India, and later spread to Asia by Buddhist missionaries.
  • Yoga has its origins in India and has existed for over 5,000 years. 


       Indian history in short.............

    The History of India begins with the Indus Valley Civilization, which spread through in the north-western part of the Indian subcontinent, from 3300 BC to 1300 BC. This Bronze Age civilization collapsed at the beginning of the second millennium BC and was followed by the Iron Age Vedic period, which extended over much of the Indo-Gangetic plains and which witnessed the rise of kingdoms known as the Mahajanapadas.
In the fifth century, large parts of India were united under Ashoka. He also converted to Buddhism, and it is in his reign that Buddhism spread to other parts of the Asia. In the reign of Mauryas, Hinduism took shape fundamentally.

In the eight century Islam came to India and by the 11th century it firmly established itself in India. The North Indian dynasties of the Lodhis, Tughlaqs, and numerous others, whose remains are visible in Delhi and scattered elsewhere around North India, were finally succeeded by the Mughal empire, under which India once again achieved a large measure of political unity.

The European presence in India date to the seventeenth century, and it is in the latter part of this century that the Mughal empire began to disintegrate, paving the way for regional states.

During the first half of the 20th century, a natiowide struggle for independence was launched by the Indian National Congress, and later joined by the Muslim League. The subcontinent gained independence from Great Britain in 1947, after being partitioned into the dominions of India and Pakistan. The history of india can be broadly divided in to 3 parts, Ancient india, medieval india ,Modern india ...                                                    
  • The Union of India is the seventh largest country in the world covering an area of 32,87,590 square kilometers and it is an important country of south Asia.
  • South Asia has a total area of about 4.488 million sq. km out of which India has the largest area (3.287 sq. km). It occupies 73.2 % of total area.
  • It is 4 times largest than Pakistan which is second largest in South Asia. India is 12 times largest that UK and 8 times largest than Japan.
  • The mainland stretches from latitude 8o4' north to 37o6' north and from longitude 68o7' east to 97o25' east of Greenwhich. The latitudinal and longitudinal extent of the country is almost same in degrees i.e. about 30 degrees.
  • The southernmost point in Indian Territory, (in Great Nicobar Islands) is the Indira Point (6o45’ ), while Kanyakumari, also known as Cape Comorin, is the southernmost point of Indian mainland. The country thus lies wholly in the northern and eastern hemispheres.
  • The 82o30' E longitude is taken as Standard Time Meridian of India, as it passes through the middle of India (from Naini, near Allahabad.) Hence Naini, Near Allahabad is the Standard Time of India.
  • The country is of a vast size and measures about 3,214 kilometers from north to south and about 2,933 kilometers from west to east.
  • Indian Standard Time:- GMT +05:30
  • Telephone Country Code:- +91
  • Coastline:- 7,516.6 km encompassing the mainland, Lakshadweep Islands, and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
      Here are a few things which belong to india....

India Flag           National Flag : The National Flag is the horizontal tricolor of deep saffron (kesaria) at the top, white in the middle, and dark green at the bottom in equal proportion. At the center of the white band is a navy blue wheel, which is a representation of the Ashoka Chakra at Sarnath. Ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3.
Design of the national flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on July 22, 1947. Its design is that

Emblem of India National Emblem : The National Emblem of India is derived from the time of the Emperor Ashoka. The emblem is a replica of the Lion of Sarnath, near Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. The Lion Capital was erected in the third century BC by Emperor Ashoka to mark the spot where Buddha first proclaimed his gospel of peace and emancipation to the four quarters of the universe.
There are four lions standing back to back, mounted, on an abacus with the frieze carrying sculptures in high relief of an elephant, a galloping horse, a bull and a lion separated by intervening wheels over a bell-shaped lotus. The wheel appears in relief in the centre of the abacus with a bull on right and a horse on the left and the outlines of the other wheel on extreme right and left. The bell-shaped lotus has been omitted. The words Satyameva Jayate from Mundaka Upanishad meaning. Truth Alone Triumphs inscribed below in Devanagari Script.
Rabindranath Tagore National Anthem : The Jana Gana Mana is the national Anthem of India, composed by Rabindranath Tagore. It was officially adopted by the constituent Assembly as the Indian national anthem on January 24, 1950. It was first sung on December 27, 1911 at the Calcutta (now Kolkata) session of the Indian National Congress. Playing time of the full version of national anthem is approximately 52 seconds. A short version consisting of the first and the last lines of the stanza (playing time approximately 20 seconds) is also played on certain occasions. The whole song consists of five stanzas.
Bankim Chandra Chatterji National Song: Bankim Chandra Chatterji's composed song "Vande Mataram" was adopted as the National Song. It has an equal status with "Jana Gana Mana". It was first sung in the 1896 session of the Indian National Congress.

National Animal National Animal: Tiger is the National Animal of India. It is symbol of India's wildlife wealth. The magnificent tiger, Panthera tigris, is a striped animal. The combination of grace, strength and agility and enormous power has earned the tiger its pride of place as the national animal of India.

National Bird National Bird: The Peacock, Pavo cristatus, is the national bird of India. Emblematic of qualities such as beauty grace, pride. It is a colourful, swan-sized bird, with a fan-shaped crest of feathers, a white patch under the eye and a long, slender neck.

National Bird National Sport: Hockey is the national game of India. It is played all across India. Indian Hockey Federation(IHF) was formed on the 7th November, 1925 at Gwalior. In Olympics, India has won the hockey title a maximum of 8 times.

National Fruit National Fuit: Mango is the national fruit of India. Described as the "Food of the Gods", in the sacred Vedas, the fruit is grown almost in all parts of India.

National Flower National Flower: Lotus botanically known as the Nelumbo Nucifera is the national flower of India. It is a sacred flower and occupies a unique position in the art and mythology of the ancient India and has been auspicious symbol of Indian culture since time immemorial.

National Tree National Tree: Banyan Tree is the National Tree of India. This huge tree towers over its neighbours and has the widest reaching roots of all known trees. It is the focal point of village life.

National Tree National River: Ganga is the national river of India. It is one of the major river in Indian sub-continent. The Ganges is mentioned in the Rig-Veda, the earliest of the Hindu scriptures. Some of the most important Hindu festivals and religious worship happens on the banks of the Ganga river.

National Calender National Calender: National Calender based on Saka Era with worlds "Chaitra Pratipada" as its first month and the first day of a normal year of 365 days was adopted from March 22, 1957 along with Gregorian Calender for the official purposes. Dates of the national calender, 1 'Chaitra' falling on 22 March normally and on 21 March in leap year.
National Days: 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti; Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday)
National Flag Code Amended
The National Flag is the symbol of dignity and freedom. The Central Government has agreed to Supreme Court's suggestion to liberate the National Flag from the mindless code which prevent citizens from unfurling it at their surrounding areas.
The Union Cabinet declared that a member of public, a private organisation or an educational institution may hoist/display the National Flag on all days and occassions, consistent with its dignity and honour. The Flag code of India, 2002, takes effect from 26 January 2002 and supersedes the 'Flag Code India' as it existed. As per the provisions of the Flag Code of India, 2002, among the restrictions are bans on as under the following :-
  1. Flying a damaged or dishevelled Flag.
  2. Flying it with the saffron band at the bottom
  3. Draping it over vehicles.
  4. Using it as a drapery at private funerals
  5. Printing it on a constume, cushion, napkin or handkerchief and
  6. Flying it on a vehicle unless permitted to do so by the centre
 I love India its in my blood...
                                                                                                                       Love and regards  author...

Saturday 29 November 2014

Life is beautiful !

Every creation in this universe is awesome and so are the people  ...!

“You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth."
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” |
The air the water the fire the sky the sweet earth the oceans the forests the trees the birds the animals the beautiful life is all a part of the human existence ...
 “Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.”
“It is not revolutions and upheavals That clear the road to new and better days, But revelations, lavishness and torments Of someone’s soul, inspired and ablaze.”
 “Emotional discomfort, when accepted, rises, crests and falls in a series of waves. Each wave washes a part of us away and deposits treasures we never imagined. Out goes naivete, in comes wisdom; out goes anger, in comes discernment; out goes despair, in comes kindness. No one would call it easy, but the rhythm of emotional pain that we learn to tolerate is natural, constructive and expansive… The pain leaves you healthier than it found you.”
 Nature is beautiful and so are you we are all a part of the gods awesome creation!
there are eight wonders as every one knows but.....
click the below link to watch  the 10 unknown wonders in this planet ...enjoy!
 “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” 
 There’s always a little truth behind every “just kidding”. A little knowledge behind every “I don’t know”. A little emotion behind every “I don’t care”. And a little pain behind every “it’s okay”.
 There are so many things one needs to learn in their life, Everyday is a new lesson and life is a test so keep rocking check the below link to see 25 places one needs to definitely visit in their life time around the globe here to see the 25 places need to be visited !
“Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.” 
 “Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. You have to know that you’re a good person and a good friend. What’s meant to be will be and what’s not -won’t. Love is worth fighting for, but sometimes you can’t be the only one fighting. At times people need to fight for you. If they don’t, you just have to move on and realize what you gave them was more than they were willing to give you. Hopefully people realize great things when they come around and not lose something real. Always fight, until you can’t anymore, and then be fought for.”

Hope you enjoyed it Im here to get that relaxed smile on your face ...
                                                                                           V.MOHAN KRISHNA                     

Friday 28 November 2014

Wow cars !

             Technology has vastly developed  in various fields            for instance cars have changed from Maurice       to  mercedes and from diesel to petrol and now hybrid cars                                                                    .......................................

Fiat to ferrari ............................................................Hyundai genesis 2015

Hybrid cars a new pollution free trend save the planet....electric cars

Fastest cars here is a list of top 10 fastest cars.... top10

10 things you never knew or dreamt of that exist ...


For the “1 percent” who can afford it, there are a surprising number of stratospherically expensive vehicles that make most of Mercedes-Benz and Porsche’s cars seem relatively affordable.
It’s the definition of a First World problem, but for some people it’s irritating to buy a powder-blue Rolls-Royce Phantom, only to find someone at a neighboring horse farm bought a powder-blue Rolls-Royce Phantom, too.
Maybe a Hennessey Venom GT, for a suggested retail price of $1.2 million, would represent a step ahead of the Joneses. Hennessey says its 1,244-hp Venom GT set a Guinness World Book-sanctioned record time of 13.63 seconds from zero to 300 kilometers per hour, or 186 mph, in January 2013.
However, anyone who wants to buy one better move fast, pun intended. The company plans to build a total of only 29 units, and 11 have already been sold, including just five in the United States.
No. 1 on our list of the 10 Most Expensive Cars for 2014 is the Lamborghini Veneno Roadster, which retails for $4.5 million — if you can get one. Lamborghini says it plans to build only nine of them in 2014.
Next year could be a good one for the exotic automobile industry. Wall Street bonuses could be 5% to 10% higher than last year when they are handed out in early 2014, according to Johnson Associates, and that’s a prime source of buyers for high-end automobiles. Exotic-car dealers keep close track of the stock markets, since that’s where many of their customers get their disposable income, whether those customers are shareholders or captains of industry.
The automotive upper-upper crust also includes traditional brands whose names ring a bell like Bugatti and Ferrari. British brands Rolls-Royce and Bentley are also traditional choices, although they are not in the business of hair-raising performance at all costs.
Relatively mainstream brands like Porsche and Mercedes-Benz also have their highest-end models. Mercedes-Benz has dropped its Maybach brand, but it is pushing into higher and higher price ranges with the Mercedes-Benz brand and its high-performance AMG division.
But most people have never heard of some of the rarest brands, like Texas-based high-performance tuner Hennessey, or Koenigsegg of Sweden. If you see yourself coming and going in one of those, maybe it’s time to move, or else start looking at yachts, or airplanes....

                                                                                                                                                                                         Luxury cars 2014 hope you buy one soon.. All the best...

                                                                              love&regards author
                                                                                     V.Mohan krishna(mok$h)

Believe in your self you are the best!

Always find a way to bring out the inner talents you possess , Every human is capable of a miracle its just that it differs the way you bring it out at the right time and right place provided given the opportunity  Remember practise makes a man perfect  and everybody is unique BELIEVE IN YOURSELF YOU ARE THE BEST ...HERE ARE A FEW GOOD TIPS FROM ME ON HOW TO PROVE YOURSELF -----
                   Have faith believe in yourself  be generous and remove jealousy ...                                                                                                     
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.....

We all have different things that we go through in our everyday life, and it's really important to know just at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you face, you know, that you're going to win at the end of the day. You got to believe in yourself. You got to believe in God, know that He's going to get you through it.....
                      god is with every body believe in yourself believe in god !                                 
If I could give one tip for people - it's not an exercise or nutrition regimen. It's to walk your talk and believe in yourself, because at the end of the day, the dumbbell and diet don't get you in shape. It's your accountability to your word..... 
4) There’s a mountain before you One you feel you can never climb The distance is frightening but I know you    can make it to the other side If only you try I’ve seen the strength that you carry inside
I’ve seen the will, the passion
the fight in your eyes
I’ve witnessed your ambition
I know you can do it one more time

You can do anything You can be anyone  You can be happy, too But first you must believe in the power of you You’re powerful, valuable, beautiful and brave And I know that you know you can make it through tomorrow
if you can get through today;
I will be there for you
every step of the way....
                                                  Never lose hope                                        
Don’t ever give up on what’s in your heartDon’t ever let go of What it is you believe in Don’t ever say the road is too tough And that it’s better to quit Don’t ever think that you don’t matter; Because you’re important to meDon’t ever let anyone tell you That you can’t follow your dreams Don’t ever think that the world Doesn’t need someone like you;You’ve touched my heart and my life Just by being who you are And the things you do. There’s a magic in you That no other could possess.A quality, a warmth, a sparkle
That will carry you through life’s tests
There’s a magic in you
That makes you special to me..

When the world brings you down And hurtful words break your heart Don’t turn aroundAnd walk away from who you are Stand up for your beliefs Trust in what you know In yourself you’ll find strength Not in another soul Life is full of chances Some you’ll surely take Though from some you’ll learn a lesson  And those we call mistakes Just because someone tells youThat it can’t be done Doesn’t mean you must adhere Or that you should give up
What I want you to remember And hold close to your heart Is that you can do anything If only you try there is no reason to cry..
It doesn’t matter who you are...

Passion is the overwhelming feeling, 
the burning desire, the drive that ultimately creates change. 
It is the total belief in yourself and your abilities that nothing can stop you...
     Finally you are the best keep this up your chest and forget the rest 
        keep smiling                                                                 
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own .And you know what you know.You are the guy who'll decide where to go.

Here are  a few videos which i found wonderful and made me spell bound but remember not to try any of these without proper practice and tact.....

                                                                          love and regards 
                                                                             author ,admin, writer , editor ,well wisher
                                                                                                          (MA )    V.Mohan krishna(Moksh -)                                 

Thursday 27 November 2014

Tips about interviews

First and Foremost learn to be confident and bear a smiling face ,

1- Always be in a positive attitude, Be confident.

2- Be seated in a good posture straight and steady.

3- Bear a smiling face but don't over blush.

4- Maintain eye contact which symbolises your confidence .

5- Don't be nervous or tense nobody s gonna hit you if u don't get selected .

 6- Be yourself, relax and if nervous think about your best motivational video or a comedy flick which will boost your confidence and chase the nervousness away.

7-  Know a little information about  the company you are applying for.

8- DO NOT USE FILLERS SUCH AS LIKE OR I MEAN which is a common tendency of nervousness and lack of words

9- Express what ever you have to without elaborating it and as a result saying irrelevant stuff.

10- Be LOUD as it signifies your confidence .

11- Make sure you eat well before your interview so that your brain can do all it could for your good.

12- Make sure you put all the intonations required in your speech.

13- Don't fake an accent which your not good at.

14- Be updated about your resume as you will have to speak or give an explanation about a few.

15- Remember why what where when how about any topic to speak about .

16- Do not use MTI-(mother tongue influence) and dub one language in to the other.

17- Update yourself about general awareness and general knowledge.

18- Give your best and forget the rest .

19- Address the interviewer with his name. Do not use sir or madam.

20- Greet your interviewer.

21- Do not stammer.

22- You can use words such as however and you know in place of like or i mean.

23- Be dressed accordingly in Ironed formals or semi formals accordingly and don't forget to polish your shoes .

24- Update your curriculum vitae or resume and remove stuff which the company is not interested in.

25- Be clear in your salary expectations

26- Be loud clear and slow in your speech so that it will consume your time and you would be clear in the presentation of speech.

27- Avoid grammatical errors

28- Get going all the best and remember failures are the stepping stones to success and every failure teaches you a new lesson.

29- Be professional in the way you walk, talk and mingle. Maintain a dignified body language and see the miracle happen .

                      Regards author
                         mohan.v.krishna top 10 interview questions